#205 Stepping Out of Your Creative Cave & Sharing

To be leaders and create ripple effects, we can’t stay in our creative caves. Our work needs to live out in the world to do its magic.

The final step in rekindling your work is to share it. But this step doesn’t just “happen” when you’re someone who may rarely feel ANY nudges to share publicly. 

Episode 205 of Quiet Messenger is dedicated to helping you step out of your own creative cave, without disconnecting from your creativity (or yourself). 

I share:

  • Two questions to ask yourself in order to share your leadership if you’re an introvert

  • Why I had to restart the entire rekindling process in order to spark the nudge to share 

  • The voice inside that said “this needs to be heard” 

  • How I applied my power of hyperfocus to creating & releasing podcast episodes

  • Ways to leave the creative cave when that’s your natural space

grab the (free) “Rekindle Map”

Mentioned in the episode

Creating what’s true to our souls can bring a spark of desire (even if it's a tiny ember) to bring it into the world.

But, if you’re anything like me, the actual act of sharing it can feel emotionally fraught. It would be easier to stay in the safety of creating privately, just for ourselves and close friends.

But our work needs to start weaving change for more than just ourselves.

That’s why the fourth step in rekindling your work (the final part in this series) is to share it.

But this step doesn’t just “happen” when you’re someone who may rarely feel ANY nudges to share publicly.

…Especially if you’re intentionally trying to unhook from productivity culture, and you don’t want to be PUSHING all the time, don’t want to keep forcing yourself to just do the thing.

You’re likely no stranger to that. It’s what standard marketing advice, intentionally or not, re-enforces. Use this strategy, batch your social posts, pump out content, do THIS.

And I imagine that might not be working so well for you. At least it hasn’t for me. For me, it’s led to burnout, to feeling rebellious and resistant, to feeling inauthentic or robotic.

What it hasn’t led to is feeling lit up and jazzed to say something, create something, share something.

Which is what I need in order to do the thing, especially in a way that feels resonant. (Thus, this episode!)


p.s. If you want a written & visual guide through this process to evolve your work when you’ve lost that fire, I recommend grabbing The Rekindle Map (it’s free).


#206 Drawing on Our Ancestors for Courage & Leadership


#204 Express the Soul of Your Work (Rebranding & Photoshoot)